
Senin, 25 Juni 2012

prelaunchX Invitation

prelaunchX Invitation: You're invited to join prelaunchX
After the launch, you get paid!
Mumpung msh grtis...

Saya hanya ingin berbagi informasi
tetang perusahaan forex yang masih prelaunch
yang memberikan bonus sign up $100, lalu bagaimana cara kerjanya???
A free, managed forex account.
dari $100 bonus sign up ditradingkan oleh staff
ahli forex firm x, dengan menggunakan account
anda. Sign-up bonuses (up to $100 per person).
Jika anda mengundang teman anda untuk
bergabung dengan forex firm X melalui url link
anda, anda akan mendapatkan $100/orang, dan di
level selanjutnya $20/orang Monthly commissions ($10/month per person)
komisi ini diberikan kepada anda jika anda
mereferensikan link ini kepada orang lain untuk
bergabung, $10/orang, yang akan dibayarkan
kepada anda setiap bulannya, jadi jika anda
mereferensikan 100 orang, maka forex firm x akan membayar anda $1000/bulan, pendaftaranya sangat mudah, isi data2 anda
secara benar,
karena setelah launch yang diperkirakan pada
tanggal 27 Agustus 2012, pendaftaran tidak akan
mendapatkan bonus, saya harap anda dapat
bergabung sebelum tanggal tersebut, dan informasikan juga kepada keluarga, teman dan sahabat anda untuk bergabung disini:

demikian dan terimakasih.

ajak aja min 3 orang untuk membuka kunci
pembyran nya..
setelah itu tunggu website ini lauching pada bln
agustus nanti..


How It Works
prelaunchX (PLX) in 3 steps
1 Invite. Sign up, invite your friends and your launch group begins to grow.
2 Launch. PLX aligns with companies preparing to launch products and services. When they launch with PLX our users are invited to participate.
3 Profit. Your launch group is tracked from the start. You earn for every active member of your launch group.
See below for more details on each step...
Step 1: Invite
You can potentially get paid a commission for each person in your launch group, every time they buy a product or service launched by PLX. Your launch group includes the people you invite to PLX, and the people they invite, etc.
Your launch group has massive growth potential as each social circle invites the next. As friends invite friends, your launch group can potentially expand to include up to 10 “social circles”. The people you personally invite will join your first social circle. When they invite their friends, those who join will be in your second social circle, and so on.
Your launch group could quickly grow into the thousands, as each social circle invites the next — and you could earn commissions on the whole group.
Step 2: Launch
  • Entertainment
  • Education
  • Finance
  • Travel
  • Computers
  • Technology
  • Health and Fitness
PLX constantly working to align with companies which are preparing to launch products and services. As our “global” launch group grows to a massive size, you will have the opportunity to earn massive profits from that growth. In addition, it will put us in a position to give our users lower prices and higher quality on a wide range of products and services.
As launch partners join, your group is invites to participate in each launch. PLX will allow companies to reach a massive global audience to launch their products and services. The money they would have spent on marketing and advertising their products and services, will be paid to you in the form of commissions.
As each new company signs-on to launch with PLX, all of our users will be invited to participate. At launch time, each user is given a unique tracking link to ensure that everyone gets proper credit for their own launch group.
Step 3: Profit
After the launch, you get paid! In the final step, you get paid directly by the launch partner. Due to the types of products and services we are focusing on, most launch partners will pay recurring monthly commissions.
You could earn up to $1,000s per month with an active launch group.
Sign up for PLX today and invite a few friends. It's quick, free and easy to join. Plus, it's fun to watch your launch group grow!

Untuk mendaftar Klik --> http://prelaunchx.com/x/manazati

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